Company introduction

History of SN

History of SN

The path of challenge & passion that SN International has walked


Apply AI/Big Data to Laundry Business


The First in the industry to obtain certification of standard workplace for the disabled

2021. 10.
Smart Laundry Automation System – Expansion of Business Field
2021. 05.
Signed a Joint Technology Development Agreement with KTE Innoclean
Obtained certification of Standard workplace for the disabled
The first certification in industrial laundry equipment manufacturing business


Specialization of industrial laundry equipment manufacturing/distribution business

2020. 12.
Relocated the business with expansion, establishing own factory facility


Expansion of Global Marketing

2019. 12.
Attained 10 billion won ($7.7M) in sales(domestic and abroad)
No. 1 in industrial laundry equipment business in Korea
2019. 09.
Attended TEXCARE ASIA in Shanghai, China
2019. 08.
Automatic Uniform Management System - Expansion of Business Field
2019. 06.
Attended CLEAN SHOW in New Orleans, USA


Expansion of Domestic & Foreign Business Networks

2018. 12.
Attained annual sales of 7 billion won ($5.4M)
Launched premium laundromat brand “ECOWASH 24”
Designated as consultant of luxury hotels domestic and abroad
Became the biggest in commercial laundry equipment business


Foundation & promotion of “SN International”

2017. 07
Established "SN International" on July 15, 2017
Korea's First Consulting Firm Specializing in Industrial Laundry Equipment